Friday, July 01, 2005

I just decided it would be fun to dress up, just dress up into nothing or into a weirdo actually.This is probably what happens when you dont have a summer job, courses are finished and you have nada to do, only look for fun.
And then at night, I was very moyivated to go play pool.But actually I dont know how to play pool.Whenever I play, people come and give me advices as if it was the very first time I was playing.I play like a dick.
But still i had loads of fun, splitting my strongbow on the nice carpet and then pretending i hadn anything.Wasnt me!

Some kids are very mean.Im shocked.I say that, cuz I saw this fat ugly girl that would have fun hitting her little ister.I started by pulling faces to her and then I made a big finger and then I wanted to go hit her too but Ed was holiding me.All that in the middle of a playground.Yeah, I know, what was I doing in the middle of a playground?Just I love it.
I also took pictures of this random fat truckdriver.I d pretend im taking pictures of something else and then I d take pictures of him.I though I was very discrete but apparently I wasn.Everytimes he was looking directly to me.Oh well.

Mermaids are cool, I wanted to be the disney one, then when Mattel released one I wanted to be the barbie one.I love the legends and mysteries that surround them.
It just shows the power we have over guys, ok.


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