Make War Not love

He send loads of other ridiculous stuff but it might hurt his integrity if I do post them.
Here in my new place where Im staying there is this huge window in the shower which means that the peole from the other side of the street can see me, and there is absolutely no way to hide because this fucked up window is literally in the shower.
I went to see Melinda nd Melinda, the new comedy/drama from Woody Alen.It was sooooo funny tho I was the only one giggling stupidly.And I didnt fall asleep which is kinda cool.Cuz sometimes I can be so senile and fall asleep with the mouth open and then wake up with one of my cheeks wet.Well no, but I do talk loads during the night.And last night I had the weirdest dream about people talking to me on msn but I wasn there, then being on the beach and blabla.I think that while asleep I even got bored of it cuz nothing ever realy happened.And I woke up at six ambecause I had orgotten to close my curtains and the sun was shinning and I have such a beautiful view from my bed that it makes even more lazy.
Anyway I have to go wash my hair and my thought of th day goes to Marek who's in Eastern Europe righ now.
nice comment, brendan:)
oh yes
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