Thursday, September 08, 2005

Shhhhh, Im shouting in my head

I got in Chile last friday to live there for at most 5 years to go to Uni there.
What is there to say? Well its a country with an amazing landscape.While landing you see el Acconcagua and Los Andes.Its beautiful.
Right now Im living in Vina but I ll go study in Santiago in a couple of months.
I have to say its a real cultural shock.I had always been there on vacation , its the first time I know Im gona stay there for an indefinite period of i see things so differently, I dont see the country with tourist eyes but with the eyes of a chilean citizen.
I ve only been there for a week or so, but I dont like it.
Its a very poor country with loads of violence and crime.It isnt really possible to go out at night, and eveyday someone gets killed.
I live in the nice area of Vina but once you walk a street away, it is already dangerous and its full of people asking for money and anorexic abandonned dogs.
I dont want to complain cuz it was my decision to leave nice B, plus it may sound stupid but I want to give it a try, I dont want to be like ' Ok, i ve been here for a week i hate it so im going back to Europe'. I want to try and learn new things from this situation tho it isnt very easy.
Here the gap in between rich and poor people is so big that it leads to such an unfair situation and as most favoured people are right wings they dont try to improve the situation and this leads to extreme violence.Life is as expensive as in Brussels tho wages are at least four times higher than here.
Still most people are positive and are nice to each other.
Im getting used in having people to do whatever i say.Its horrible to say but at the same time it is so easy to get lazy.
I went on the beach on sunday and I got sunburnt very badly on the face.even tho, spring hasnt started, temperatures are quite high already.
most people write a blog to show how funny, how interesting, how amazing, how normal or how original their life is.
My blog used to be like that, people could see how positive I was.
now i have to say that my life sucks and that Im quite unhappy.
here everyone is always in a good mood, Im the only one who s sad and I start hating everyone so badly, I want to make fingers to everyone but I dont, not because Im polite.
No, just because I dont want to get stabbed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Court hears Del. blog case; Smyrna's Cahill claims libel on Web site postings
DOVER - The Delaware Supreme Court waded chest-deep Wednesday into an Internet free-speech case, seeking to strike a balance between one person's right to free speech against another's claims of libel.
Neato like your blog. Added it to my bookmarks to check for updates.

I have a indigo kids site/blog.
It pretty much covers indigo kids related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time.

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I kinda understand what you're going through, that is the culture shock side of things!, but obviously Chile is totally diffrent country to Australia. Its weired isn'it going to a country that you always associate with good times n holidays, before you woul;d never really see the negative aspects of the country, but now that you're living there, you very quikly start picking out all its defaults! All I can say is eventually you'll get used to it, but you'll always miss Europe.

7:53 PM  
Blogger pocketsdumbfat said...

why don't you talk about your servants, Maria-laura
and you probably got sunburnt because you have no ozone down there..

12:39 PM  
Blogger Bleach The infamous strawberry said...

Good guess ned
th hole in the ozone layer is as big as Brazil.

6:51 PM  

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