I Know You Know I Know You Know I Know

I love it when desperate guys create a blog and talk about their ex gfriend, and they just go on about how blabla they didnt knew they were gonna get dump and why this, why that.....And you know, I still love you babe and will always, even if you ruined my life, blabla. Thats just too funny and I can never resist to leave a comment telling them that they are just pathetic freaks and that the one good thing their gfriend did was to RUIN their life, cuz its impossible to be like that, unless you re a total weirdo.
Oh, a couple of nights ago, I went to see downfall, which was probably released in Europe ages ago but only now, here. And it was really good. I mean its a 3 hours movie and at the opposite of Titanic, where after an hour and a half, the only thing you wish is the ship to hit the iceberg.
It wasnt like in all american movies where there are the good people and the bad ones, there, everyone was a victim even if some were wrong. In the end everyone is a loser.And Hitler appears to be crazier than what you learn in your school's history books.
So yeah, you know here when a movie ends, like any common chilean, people clap their hands and express themselves.But here, no, everyone was mute, the only thing you could hear were people crying.
I though it was a bit weird, but actually its just because it reminded them, the putch that happened 30 years ago, the raids, the sound and atmosphere of violence, people getting tortured, killed.Some families today, still dont know what happened to their children.That is kinda sad. The worse is that now, many losers think that all this violence was necessary.Most people of my generation are so stupid, its so easy to shock them, and I love to do it.Tho Im sure that everyone I ve talked to, think Im a lesbian, communist and that I hate guys.This makes me laugh.
And I need to lose 3 kilos, I dont want to wear my mum's tacky bathing suit just because I look fat instead of my tiny bikini.That is such a girlish though, but afterall I am a girl.The thing is that I ve never been on a diet, and Im sure that now that I know I SHOULD be doing one, Im gona eat MORE cuz Im gona be thinking of food all the time.I think I should also stop to bite my nails, so that I ll be able to put red nailpolish. The pink part is only 5 mm long and my fingers bleed all the time.
Oh, and I should probably stop to cut my hair compulsevely, I just dont want to end up with a jackson five haircut.
Ahah, thats funny!i know that some blogs are amazing :)
Ya us guys can be pretty pathetic sometimes.
I try not to fall in that catagory.
G'day ML,
I've got some really bad news! The evil doctors in the clinic are banning all us Koalas from viewing your blog. They say its making our conditions worse and that we'll be an even bigger menace to society once we are released back into the wild. So could you please stop posting sexy pics of yourself and publishing crazy posts! Instead can you send them to my private email, so that me and my furry friends can continue to enjoy your amazing tales and pics!
Love from you biggest fans,
the koalas at the Sexual Offenders Rehabilitation Ward, Melbourne Zoo, Australia.
koalas cant read btway.And they are harmless.
Screetus recommends an all-doritos diet.
Yes, many guys are very fucking pathetic and it goes same with girls though. There are way too many "i'm a loser pay attention to my crappy life and cry for me" blogs out there.
Der Untergang or 'the downfall' is a very accurate movie in the sence that it is based on the story of Traudl Junge who was actually hitlers secretary in the last weeks in his bunker in berlin.
It was very disturbing, Goebbels seemed a lot more vicious that Hitler who just appeared like a crazy people hating parkinson sick poor person really.
Traudl Junge is still alive and from Munich like me...does that make me proud? I dont really know.
She has made a lot of bullshit about what was said about Hitler and Germans undone!
I think that Goebbels was as crazy as Hitler.Many people were convinced he was a God they worshipped and that without NS germany had no future.Here people have adored this movie, cuz they think it showed the human side of Hitler.I dont agree with that.Its not because he was nice to his employees and loved his dog that it means he was a good guy.I think that the only thing that reminds us that he was just a man, was the fact that he had his weaknesses and wouldnt accept his failures.
He was a human after all, believer of the superior race and extinctor of every other, but as everybody, he wasnt heartless to the people he liked. The movie made me feel a bit sorry for him and eg, traudl Junge still says he treated her nicely. He was sick..and I think it is everybody's perfect right to feel sorry for a man with such inferiority complexes!! All of this without defending any of the actions he took, except for building our Autobahn :-)
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