Serve the Servants!

Whenever Im on the phone with my sister, the one question I keep on asking her is what she has eaten for lunch, diner.....
Here the only things I eat are meat,corn,potatoes,beans and tomatoes, all that mashed together.Oh yeah, and tunas which are the fruits of cactus and have many many seeds.It is very good, dont get me wrong, just from one day to another I eat exactly the same thing.And for someone like me that loves food, it is kinda depressing.I miss European cooking, as well as world cooking in general.Here there isnt much since they dont import much and there are so many things you cant cook simply cuz you dont find the garments in the supermarketIf you really want to make me jealous just tell me all the good things you've been eating.
Maybe I should stop eating pigeons cuz they make me sick.They are the most stupid birds ever.They are everywhere and are never scared of people.Sometimes I really want to kill them all.But I wont, not because of a good reason, just because whenever you get too close they fly away, duh.
Or maybe it is just time I buy a new brain.
I love cheese, I miss cheese.
always nice pictures.......keep going on !!!
I used to hate crows. Im not even sure why. One day I realized it was very irrational, so I dont hate them anymore. The End.
You wont believe this. You know the last post you made about peter pan creepy? I was showing my husband your post and hes like OH MY FUCK! I talked to that guys ex on the phone at work last year!
haha I guess she was promoting his site and had Andrew look it up while she was on the phone (he was doing call centre work for MSN then) and she kept going on about how people think he is gay, but hes not he is really just kind hearted.
This guy has like a cult following of old men that like to hang with little boys. *shudder* I knew there was something wrong with those pics. creepy.
The brain you have is just fine, haha.
ophelia, I knew this guy something wrong, like its obvious he likes to hang around with boys, I find it disturbing and just hope its true that he s only nice.
And yeah pigeons are flying rats, I totally agree!
Cheese rules! Great picture!
cool pics.
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