The Day After The Revolution
Shoes are very important.People seem to forget that.Just make sure, no little stones ever get stuck in them.Once you can not continue, you're a dead man.This is the path of life.This is your destiny.
Im listening to Elbow and its quite good and I've also heard some of the songs from the strokes next album, et c'est pas terrible.
I enjoyed your picture. I also enjoyed the 'thongs' post.
You are a nice girl, in the end.
Leave no stone unturned. No shoe stoned.
Thanks for posting on my Blog. I'm glad, and a little frightened, that someone else argues like that! Remind me never to argue with you.
Shoes are cool, people used to laugh at my shoes between the ages of 10-14 because I had big feet! Great pics, groovy setting on the camera, very pop art! I like. and for the last time download those songs I go on about!
You've got an interesting place here. Thanks for stopping by. I'll be back...
Yeah, I just started wearing shoes again and put my magic sandals in the closet for an indeterminate ammount of time. It was a sad farewell, but when it starts to get cold I suppose shoes are important.
Unrelated to your post, I really like Brussels too - a very nice place to live in. And interestingly, we live near Cimetiere d Ixelle, right next to the Tavernier. So its a very happening place. And I will certainly check out the music museum you suggested.
I definately don't own enough shoes.
i really like the exposure, the colours are so cool
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