Everyone Listens To Good Music

Showing her how normal it is to do the things she never though of doing.Showing her that fearing is ridiculous.
Why would you do that?It isnt manipulation.
Just, it would be funny, if people really were what they wanted to be.If you just stopped for a minute being what other people want you to be, or stop being what you think you should be.No more cool and uncool.
Ok, maybe I say that, because Im still not used of all this chilensis crap society where you' re judged on the way you're dressed and that determines everything.
Oh no, you can not say that because you would look like such a mess!
What if I like being a mess?
Should I go hide in the mountains?
And yay, I almost finished reading the most boring book ever, and I hope I ll be able to say something smart when asked about it.

Be yourself. Can't ever go wrong with that.
You know, you've already asserted yourself by wearing your left-wing political button in a city full of right-wingers.
Ultimately you have to be true to yourself, and the only people whose opinion of you matters are the people who accept you for who you are in the first place.
there are some people quite happy in their own disillusionment.
It's quite sad really. I want to pick them up and shake them upside down until all their inhibitions fall out.
If that makes sense.
what book?
wicked, are those your own paintings? i'll buy them (or one of them) if you're selling!
i definitely have a problem with trying to be what i think other people want me to be. it's weird because when i read your blog i never know who you're talking about or how many levels of sarcasm you're using. :) you're such a child of these confused times ;)
yeah, i think of my post from a while ago when I was talking about people wearing different masks depending on the social situation. It's strange, because at times, i find myself playing that game, like, manipulating someone I know is weak in character to act a certain way...it's mean, but I just want them push back, to say no, I won't do that...i want them to take control, you know, do something!! for fuck's sake, don't let someone push you around. but, they don't usually.
who's painting is that? it's nice
doesn't sound like a fun society
Well, no I didnt paint this, I would have wished, cuz I really like it.
in fact I cannot remember the name of the artist,I know he s chilean, but dont remember who.
My grandmother has many of his painting in her house, they re really good.
The title of the book I was reading can be traduced as "Virgins Travelling" and it was so boring.Fortunately I ve finished it....
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