Great Smile.

So.So.I went to do my chilean passport today.I had to wait for hours and hours.Standind in a queue is always so annoying.And then I get to the woman and she just says " No, you cant do it today, you have to come back with your parents."I decide not to show her that I am REALLY annoyed and ask why politely.And she's all "Yeah, since you're not 18 yet, your parents MUST come." Wait a second, Im 19, and then I have to show her my ID, and blabla, and she says that I look 15 or 16. Then she takes a picture of me, compares it with the one on my ID and tells me that I look so much better.But I guess it is kinda true cuz I always look like a terrorist.
Most people think that my brother looks older than me, when he's actualy 4 years younger.And we've auto-proclaimed ourselves the evil twins and to explain the fact that I am older than him, we found a very simple explanation.
We were cute babies in my mum's belly, but then my brother started eating all the food so that I was starving.The doctors were kinda worried but didnt do anything.Then, when there was no more food, he started eating my foot,The doctors decided it was time I came out.Then my foot grew back, because this is just the way things are
.Meanwhile my brother was being a fat ass and decided to stay in longer, when he started eating my mum's liver, doctors kicked him out.This is why he's younger than me.
Keep at it...they'll let you out!
I like the drawings.
Your Blog is so cool.
Those drawings are honestly brilliant! So now you finally like tea!...I told ya it was good! Try throwing random things in with it when you're brewing your cup, like jasmine or ginger or some sort of fruit peel, or sweeten it with honey! It gives any cup a new edge. Be inventive and see what happens. Just don't destroy it with milk, the greatest crime commited by Anglo-Saxon culture, forget about wipping out civilisations all over the world, its the git who ever had the bright idea of putting milk in tea that should be shot, although he's probably dead already!
Perhaps you have a super power -- the ability to regenerate limbs. That's cool.
there's a lot to be said for making seemingly simple drawings and making them clever.
i like your drawings..they remind me of the little prince. you're brave to face the obvious wait at the visa office. have you ever tried to see if you still maintain your super powers....for example, by cutting off a foot? if not, don't, cause i think the powers wear off at age 15
they aren't really anything like 'the little prince'
very awesome story and most creative blog of the ever, really awesome, we laughed about it and i like your stories
great story lol
i love the second picture
ok, 'dbuc', i think everyone (or ML, i wasn't really writing for your benefit) knew that it was me.
yes they are affectedly naive like the little prince, but they don't really have it's charm. you clearly aren't liking st exupery for the right reasons.
haha, it doesn't matter...i only made a point of it to see if you would reviel yourself! I'm not really that bitter...honest! take care
don't be so lame.
good story! :o)
Like the new layout.
strange things are afoot in the comment section
how funny is it: two people arguing over drawings which, I should specify, have no need to be defined as "little prince like" or not. Tastes differ..which maybe is good. All us guys would fall for the same girls, red leicester cheese would always be sold out... If I may enter the discussion, I think their neither prince like nor not prince like.. hmm maybe cause I dont know the little prince.
Love to both of u though.
Leon, prince of Warwick
I think they are just naive, I wish they looked like the little prince but they arent that good!
but really i never though I would create such a debate.....
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