And I Only Think About Food.
I finally have my ticket, Im going back home, in a couple of months! Everyone here, thinks that I am a weirdo, for leaving right in the middle of the summer, to go spend winter there.I guess I am.I dont really like travelling alone, its always boring and usually because I spend most of the flight sleeping, I miss all the meals and then I wake up and I realize that I' ve probably been lying on the person next to me during the whole flight and Im starving and Im tired and I have to wait for another flight connection.And I feel alone but then I think about all these times when I was younger, and that my brother and I would wake nine steps behind my parents and that my parents would be all hyperactive and smiling and calling us.....And then I look around and I see all these kids that try and avoid their parents, to pretend they re not with them, and I realize that kids are never grateful.
I just hope my plane doesnt crash in the middle of nowhere.the company Im flying with, is brand new and the flight ticket was extremely cheap, but I had no choice because there werent any sits left anywhere else.I was thinking about making a will before leaving.And I was smiling to myself, thinking how people would think I am so generous.but then I realized that unfortunately I dont have much and that people would think Im gready in the end.
People are way too complicated, even when they try to pretend they're simple.
And then the floor was annoyingly sticky.
Sorry it took so long for me to come to you here. But I'm here.
What's on the floor there?
its a chilean thing called manjar and that all the kids looooove.
Hooray for home and sticky floors!
wait, is that like dulce de leche....or caramel as i've grown up calling it?
si dulce de leche :)
so you average 14 comments per post. high score.
wow, a -bag- of caramel... seems strange
i should say here that commenting is not a competition
y, que es la comida tipica de chile? la gente come mucha carne como aca, o hay especialides de chile? y vos vivis con otra gente de los estados unidos, o de sud america? y pearl jam va a tocar ahi, o no?
wueno, se come un monton de carne, choclo y papas.Hay muxos platos tipicos como las humitas o el charkican, no se si pearl jam va a tacar aqui o hay muxos gringos en general , yo vivo en una pekena ciudad, no he movido todavia santiago. :)
oh my god it's like being in a lannguage class
'where are you from, what kind of food do people eat there, can i order a taxi, please?'
and yes it is a competition if i make it one.
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