Animal Farm

I have a headache, and I have the impression that my nose grows bigger and then smaller and that it wont end unless it explodes like a bomb.I think its because once, I got my nose brokken that now whenever my head hurts, it does too.Hopefully, it never last for very long.Or maybe Im getting sick, cuz on sunday I went to the beach and it was very very windy and pretty cold in fact.I was one of the only gringa that went swimming. only gringos go swimming at the beginning of november, who else would do that?
First, I only put one foot in the water, it was freezing, my foot started hurting like I was walking on snow barefoot ( I did it once, its horrible) but still I went swimming and when I got out I was kinda blue.Nice.
I think I should go back to bed.I think I should take a nap and I think that Prison Break is really adictive.I watched it last night, actually I think its twice a week.And many horrible things happen, like this guy cuts someone else's toes and this other guy disolves walls with fertilizers to rescue his brother, and during the whole thing Im like OUCH that must hurt or WOAH how does he do that.Anyway, its adictive.
the beach...
i am envy
I hope you and your nose feel better.
dude! ML, your blog actually attracts interesting people, how do you do it? must be the provocative pictures. maybe i should start doing the same, what do you think? ;)
Pei, I also have beach envy.
What's gringos and a gringa?
understood, my nose is broken right now
i'm a gringo
gringos are tourists.generally american tourists.but for them all tourists are american.
yeah marek, posting provacative pictures of yourself will DEFINITELY help :)
wait, so are you in santiago de chile? y, hablas espaƱol re bien, o un poquito? You're at the beach already? what are they like there...rocky or sandy? also, good advice on the provocative pictures...
Si hablo espanol.llegue hace algo como dos meses .Vivo en vina del mar, no en santiago.las playas..... bueno es un pais con muxas playas, hay de todo en serio, pero las olas son enorme y el mar super frio!
si, pero cuando llega verano, hay un cambio de temperatura, o siempre es como hielo? y, tambien, como es la gente de chile? tranquila o seria? y, las discotecas son fantasticas o te aburran? y, antes, hablaste o no?
snappin off a turd,
laying down a poo.
when i lay a deuce,
i lay it in the loo
how nice
the poo poem wasn't by ME
by the way.
'poem' yar.
i kinda wish i had written it, though.
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