The Way She Used To Be.
A dog almost ate my finger a couple of days ago, but it wasnt really his fault, nor mine, I want trying to abuse him or anything.But it was quite freaky.
These pictures were takken very early in the morning, when nobody's there.
I saw this couple, and the guy was forcing ( Im sure he was) his girlfriend to do a 100 abs.I felt sorry for this girl.I would go crazy if I had a boyfriend like that.Anyway it just reminded of this guy I dated and that was very fit and that would exercize all the time (I was disappointed cuz I though that his body was like that naturally) and that would take care of what he ate and blabla.Well it was ok, until winter started. I like to eat a lot of yummy food and I preffer to be warm than freezing just because I am starving myself.So as each year, at this very special period off the year, I started eating more, and he started annoying me, making silly remarks while I was eating, RUININg my delicious meal, and trying to make me feel bad.Since I didnt like him that much, and that in fact he wasnt that fit and that Im so not patient it didnt last for very long after that.
But still, we went out for three months or so.
In fact, it ended when, once he brought me loads of chocolates and that I ate then all the same day.Well ok, all in the same hour.He seemed sooooo shocked.He though they would last longer, well no, not with me.
Food IS one of my passions in life.It is one of the things I will never stop enjoying.Oh yeah, and I am against making abs, I never did and I will never.I like my beer belly, it wouldnt be me without it.

I saw this couple, and the guy was forcing ( Im sure he was) his girlfriend to do a 100 abs.I felt sorry for this girl.I would go crazy if I had a boyfriend like that.Anyway it just reminded of this guy I dated and that was very fit and that would exercize all the time (I was disappointed cuz I though that his body was like that naturally) and that would take care of what he ate and blabla.Well it was ok, until winter started. I like to eat a lot of yummy food and I preffer to be warm than freezing just because I am starving myself.So as each year, at this very special period off the year, I started eating more, and he started annoying me, making silly remarks while I was eating, RUININg my delicious meal, and trying to make me feel bad.Since I didnt like him that much, and that in fact he wasnt that fit and that Im so not patient it didnt last for very long after that.
But still, we went out for three months or so.
In fact, it ended when, once he brought me loads of chocolates and that I ate then all the same day.Well ok, all in the same hour.He seemed sooooo shocked.He though they would last longer, well no, not with me.
Food IS one of my passions in life.It is one of the things I will never stop enjoying.Oh yeah, and I am against making abs, I never did and I will never.I like my beer belly, it wouldnt be me without it.

Nice photos... gives one sort of a vague peaceful feeling... or maybe that's just the humm of the baby monitor doing that to me. In any case, vere serene.
it's beautiful over there
I love food too. i was thinking about like stages of deporession and losing interest in things and food is the LAST thing that I would lose interest in.
Must consume mass quantities!
food is really integral to life, it's pretty hard to stay with someone who has a really different concept of diet
especially when that person tries to tell you what to do
Food + No gym + Incredible beach + Bacardi = You know how to live a good life.
I concede.
yeah, food is wonderful. i never realised it until i was travelling in europe, trying to save money, and not eating. i dropped like 15 pounds, but then was like fuck it, I don't care about the money, and started enjoying the food, and after eating a baguette per day y nada mas, the food never tasted so good! also, i think beer bellies on girls are cute. nice french, by the way.
DBuc you re probably the first guy that said beer bellies were cute!
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