Moujik and Samovar

So, so, so, so!So, are you a communist?
What do you think about religion.
Hum, I like your answers.
We can be friends just for one day.
We will listen to Russian leaders speak, even if we dont understand anything and pretend we do.
Its weird, I was always told that there were three topics not to mention when I first get to know someone: Sex, Religion and Politics.
In fatc, its better to mention it immediately.
I've read something really interesting about the Chicago Boys ( 30 Chileans that went to Chicago University to study economics and that were part of Pinochet team during his dictatorship), I ll post something about it later, I think.
The existence of a group called The Chicago Boys is interesting in itself!
I agree, it's better to talk about those things in first place. Then you'll get completely confident with that issues, and finally you can talk about Pinochet and the 'Chicago Boys'.
BTW, I think you're great.
I don't mind talking about sex. I'm completely fine with it. Religion is alright as well as the person isn't a zealot. If you have no tolerance for other religions, it is probably best not to mention religion to me. And politics, lol, I had to be reminded by an American as to who my Canadian Prime Minister
i'm a communist and a mixture of religions drawing primarily from thereveda buddhism. i enjoy many kinds of straight sex.
she's a socialist and an undecided (agnostic/atheist) and enjoys straight sex.
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que linda ^^
ca fait lgts ce blooooog!!! j'espère que tout se passe bien :-)
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