Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Look, This Is Brand New
This is how it starts.
Drinking Pisco Sour during the whole afternoon and night and having to say hi to guys full of spots, yerk.I guess youth can be painful.I've been to many cool places recently but I didnt take many pictures.Also, once I was in a street and this guy comes up to me and just goes, yeah you're completely crazy to show your camera to everyone, someone will steal it and I actually know girls that got their camera stolen, so I only take pictures in my neighbourhood.
My sister got a puppy and he's amazingly sweet, but its kinda scary cuz she really treats him like a little baby and is overprotective with him, and Im sure that this dog will turn out in a egocentric dog that will eventually never obey to her orders.
I see many abandoned dogs here in the streets and I always think to myself that if I was stinky rich I would adopt all of them.
Here, its so shocking, you see so many young girls pregnant in the streets and they sell cheap "Made in China" stuff and are, in general homeless because their parents kicked them out and that the Bfriend disappeared.Nice.
And right now, I want a durum.I remember the night before I left, I ate like a fat kid.I went to all the restaurants I used to enjoy going and ended with a durum in the Pita Street.
And now, my stomach is burning, burning.
This is how it ends.
Drinking Pisco Sour during the whole afternoon and night and having to say hi to guys full of spots, yerk.I guess youth can be painful.I've been to many cool places recently but I didnt take many pictures.Also, once I was in a street and this guy comes up to me and just goes, yeah you're completely crazy to show your camera to everyone, someone will steal it and I actually know girls that got their camera stolen, so I only take pictures in my neighbourhood.
My sister got a puppy and he's amazingly sweet, but its kinda scary cuz she really treats him like a little baby and is overprotective with him, and Im sure that this dog will turn out in a egocentric dog that will eventually never obey to her orders.
I see many abandoned dogs here in the streets and I always think to myself that if I was stinky rich I would adopt all of them.
Here, its so shocking, you see so many young girls pregnant in the streets and they sell cheap "Made in China" stuff and are, in general homeless because their parents kicked them out and that the Bfriend disappeared.Nice.
And right now, I want a durum.I remember the night before I left, I ate like a fat kid.I went to all the restaurants I used to enjoy going and ended with a durum in the Pita Street.
And now, my stomach is burning, burning.
This is how it ends.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
I Sometimes Try To Forget Whats In This Box.

Once, I almost got kicked out of my school.
Once, I broke one of my sister's finger, I was very young, we were fighting.
Once, she broke my nose which wasnt very nice.
Once, I danced on a car, and I did a stupid ABBA choregraphy ( eventually it was more than once).
Once, I saw a horror movie when I was 4 and I freaked out so much that I' ve never seen any other horror movies.
Once, I saw whales.
Once, I had a psycho boyfriend.
Once, I threw up by both my noise and mouth, and I really wanted to die.
Once, I stole a 15$ flower which wasn even beautiful or useful, just cuz it was easy.
Once, I decided to change style and cut my hair like a boy, I looked like such a mess.
Once, I wrote a book when I was 6, it was a story about two brothers, the good one and the bad one, I did all the drawings too and gave it to my dad.
Once, I went to see a shrink, but she was so annoying that I never went back.She had a horrible body and wouldn stop showing her undies, and she was ugly and she had orange hair and yerk, she was boring.
Once, I peed in my pants when I was very young just to get what I wanted.
Once, I hate six fajhitas which is kinda loads.
And eventually I got bored of all these "once", that's it.
Friday, October 21, 2005
The Day After The Revolution

Im listening to Elbow and its quite good and I've also heard some of the songs from the strokes next album, et c'est pas terrible.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
"I Dont Care If You Dont Care.But We're Still Stars, Dont You Think?"She said

I didnt crack them, I bought them like that without noticing that there was this huge hole, decorating my ass.
Its like a few months ago, I got a new party dress and when I got home I tried it and the zip literaly exploded, I had cracked it.I just though that it was time to stop drinking like a fat kid and start a diet or buy bigger clothes.I did both, so now I have many many extra baggy trousers.Eventually nobody cares but thats ok cuz nor do I.
And Im on a strike since yesterday, really I can not concentrate and do some work, I should but I dont.Maybe I should watch Tv and get depressed.
Oh, and I went to the cinema and I saw the shittiest movie ever, Monster in law or something, the kind of movie supposed to be funny but all the things that happen are just so predictable, and Im always for the mean people, and off course in the end everyone is happy and blabla.But really, everyone is just so retarded in that movie.And everyone though it was sooooo hilarious.Yay!
An old friend from Brussels is getting married, that is just shocking, he's only 19.The worse is that I feel guilty cuz I was the one to present him to his future ex wife.And now they're getting married.ARGH!Its not possible, like the only reason that would make me marry someone was to go live in a country if I was an illegal immigrant but then again, it wouldn be a real thing, it would just be interested.And I would divorce soon after.According to my biology book, which is REALLY becoming my bible, once you get married, maximum a year after you have kids,uh!But really having great sex doesnt involve getting married, anyway I hope that one of them will freak out and that it wont happen.There is hope.
Monday, October 17, 2005

Yesterday, I was watching a stupid Tv program called "Mientras no Estas" which basically means "While you're not home".The whole idea is that, a team of houseworkers chose a house and then to get the people out, they tell this people they've won a sejourn in a bumblefuck place and then while these people are away, they redecorate the house and then the people come back, and they cry and they cant believe their eyes,oh my god this is just so amazing,blabla.And everyone is just so happy and its so totally uninteresting.So while watching, I just came out with a new revolutionary idea, which would obviously be more entertaining to watch on tv.The people go on holiday and while they are away, this whole team of people crash the house and all the nice stuff and when the people come back they are just like oh my god what happened, I cant believe my eyes and they cry and blabla.And in the end, all the people that have watched this program are happy and had a good laugh.
Tho, because of the cost, I think there would be only one tv show and then it would be over forever.
I've also been busy studying Biology today, and its just so hilarious.Like their definition of someone that smokes fags is "Someone who is unhappy in his family, whose parents dont believe in god, who doesnt talk to his parents much, will be way more vulnerable and will obviously start smoking, whereas a good catholic would never do drugs and blabla.I guess it MUST be true.Off course.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Serve the Servants!

Whenever Im on the phone with my sister, the one question I keep on asking her is what she has eaten for lunch, diner.....
Here the only things I eat are meat,corn,potatoes,beans and tomatoes, all that mashed together.Oh yeah, and tunas which are the fruits of cactus and have many many seeds.It is very good, dont get me wrong, just from one day to another I eat exactly the same thing.And for someone like me that loves food, it is kinda depressing.I miss European cooking, as well as world cooking in general.Here there isnt much since they dont import much and there are so many things you cant cook simply cuz you dont find the garments in the supermarketIf you really want to make me jealous just tell me all the good things you've been eating.
Maybe I should stop eating pigeons cuz they make me sick.They are the most stupid birds ever.They are everywhere and are never scared of people.Sometimes I really want to kill them all.But I wont, not because of a good reason, just because whenever you get too close they fly away, duh.
Or maybe it is just time I buy a new brain.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Somewhere Someone Doesnt Want To Grow Up.Oh No.

It will really make any of the remaining retards that want to stay kids want to grow up.Tho it might make it worse, like people getting inspired.
I might start to wear purple velvet tights and a thung over it and look very gay and pervy while I ask people to take pictures of me.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
What You See, Is What We Chose To Show You.

That is mean but its also very funny.And its not really a secret.If I was a very fat woman,if my breast falling on my big tummy, that I would put lots of lipstick and have stains on my teeth and that I was wearing very tiny underwears, and that all in a sudden, they would disappear, I would:
a) Think its a pervy neighbour that stole them.
b) That my husband got bored of this daily nightmare.
To punish him, I would buy the worse ever looking underwears and force him to look at me like that.But still I dont think its a secret, but its funny.
And today Im sick, I ve been sleeping all day and now Im kinda hyperactive, watching a tv show about fat women that want to be attractive.maybe you should stop eating 3 breakfasts?There's hope.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Candies And Your mum's Undies

Yesterday I started to study my South American history book, since I have an exam in december.Basically, I read stuff about south american culture and tribes and how events that have happened in Europe have influenced the course of history here, in Chile.As I didnt knew much I find it very interesting.
When I was 14 or 15, I had an english history teacher that I hated and I think she hated me too cuz I was always persecuting the fat greek sitting next to me and talking to my friends.Once I even created a huge gossip and I told many kids that she was an alcoholic, in the end, everyone was talking about that and I became really scared because I was convinced she would find out I was the one responsible of this huge lie.
Anyway, once she asked us to write an essay about what had happened during the middle age in our countries.I was very lazy so I didnt do any research, and then I invented this huge thing and I described tribes that had never existed and wars that had never happened.I also invented names and blabla.My parents thought it was hilarious.The teacher said it was very interesting and that she had never heard of these events before.I got the best mark.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I Know You Know I Know You Know I Know

I love it when desperate guys create a blog and talk about their ex gfriend, and they just go on about how blabla they didnt knew they were gonna get dump and why this, why that.....And you know, I still love you babe and will always, even if you ruined my life, blabla. Thats just too funny and I can never resist to leave a comment telling them that they are just pathetic freaks and that the one good thing their gfriend did was to RUIN their life, cuz its impossible to be like that, unless you re a total weirdo.
Oh, a couple of nights ago, I went to see downfall, which was probably released in Europe ages ago but only now, here. And it was really good. I mean its a 3 hours movie and at the opposite of Titanic, where after an hour and a half, the only thing you wish is the ship to hit the iceberg.
It wasnt like in all american movies where there are the good people and the bad ones, there, everyone was a victim even if some were wrong. In the end everyone is a loser.And Hitler appears to be crazier than what you learn in your school's history books.
So yeah, you know here when a movie ends, like any common chilean, people clap their hands and express themselves.But here, no, everyone was mute, the only thing you could hear were people crying.
I though it was a bit weird, but actually its just because it reminded them, the putch that happened 30 years ago, the raids, the sound and atmosphere of violence, people getting tortured, killed.Some families today, still dont know what happened to their children.That is kinda sad. The worse is that now, many losers think that all this violence was necessary.Most people of my generation are so stupid, its so easy to shock them, and I love to do it.Tho Im sure that everyone I ve talked to, think Im a lesbian, communist and that I hate guys.This makes me laugh.
And I need to lose 3 kilos, I dont want to wear my mum's tacky bathing suit just because I look fat instead of my tiny bikini.That is such a girlish though, but afterall I am a girl.The thing is that I ve never been on a diet, and Im sure that now that I know I SHOULD be doing one, Im gona eat MORE cuz Im gona be thinking of food all the time.I think I should also stop to bite my nails, so that I ll be able to put red nailpolish. The pink part is only 5 mm long and my fingers bleed all the time.
Oh, and I should probably stop to cut my hair compulsevely, I just dont want to end up with a jackson five haircut.